Monday, May 16, 2011

A New Blog

I haven't blogged in about 9 months, and I must say, I miss it. Writing (even an informal blog) helps me to process things and put ideas into perspective. I think one of the biggest drawbacks to being single and living alone is that there isn't someone always around to talk about the day-to-day things--no one to bounce things off of. I think that blogging helps to fill this need.

I have also made a pretty big transition this past year (the last 4 years have really stretched me) and I needed time to process all the changes. Part of it was I feared that there were some who would judge me for what I wrote--which only proves what a big transition occurred--why should I care what others may think of me or my writing? The other part was no wireless internet. Whatever the reasons, I didn't blog, and I want to start again.

However, I feel that A Michigander Grows in Brooklyn no longer identifies me. I mean, I no longer live in Brooklyn, or New York for that matter. So I had to choose a new blog name, something that I feel identifies me and my current lifestyle. And my common life theme, that keeps playing in my head, is that I am living my life backwards. So I'm starting a new blog, Living My Backward's Life.

I hope you enjoy it. And if you don't, well, it's really just for me anyways.