Monday, October 26, 2009


So there is so much going on in my life right now, but especially things going on inside me. But I don't have time for an in depth, heart-felt post, so I'm writing about mustard. Yes, mustard.

Seems like New Yorkers don't do mustard. It's available at restaurants, for sure, but there isn't a McDonald's or a fast food place that seems to use it or carry it! mustard! Absurd!

I had a very nutritious (and thankfully probably only the 6th time I've eaten 'fast food' in a year) meal at McDonald's and was again appalled at the lack of mustard on the burger. Which of course meant there was none for my fries! Imagine that! When I asked the order taker for mustard, he handed me a little container of honey mustard sauce. He didn't even know what mustard was?

I suppose there are worse things about this city other than the lack of mustard, but right now I can't think of any of them. What can I say? I really detest ketchup.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Missing Michigan

This is what I miss most in Michigan. Can you blame me?

Isn't she beautiful? Oh, and they're at the cider mill. I miss that too!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Every day I am surrounded by inexplicable beauty. We all are. Trouble is, most of the time I don't notice it. Then there are the rare occasions when I am overwhelmed by something I see with my heart.

Like today. On the train I sat across from a young boy of about 10 and who I believe was his grandfather. The little boy seemed a little impatient, but the grandfather was not. I could sense the love he had for his grandson. Not in any extraordinary way, just in the way he looked at him. As they exited the train, the grandfather looked right at me. And smiled. And from that shared glimpse I knew that them being on the train was a gift for me.

It was then that I thanked God for his unbelievable kindness to share with me moments such as these. And my heart exploded (really, kind of like the Grinch's at the end of the book. I apologize to whomever recently used this analogy--as I wrote it I feel like I'm plagiarising, but since it seemed to fit, I'm keeping it!)

I usually forget these things after they happen. They lose their significance and I get caught back up in the business of being me (a pretty time consuming business, actually.) But today I remembered. And I wanted to share. Not just for you, but so that I would remember and hopefully notice the beauty surrounding me.