Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hiatus (feeling blue)

I haven't posted since I got back from Michigan. Truth be told, I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Seems like there hasn't been an aspect of my life that has been going quite right. (job, housing, friends, men, dating) I was hoping that a trip 'back home' would rejuvenate me. In a way, it did. And in a way, it didn't.

The good thing is that I have been in this place before. I know I'm not stuck here. I know that if I start showing some gratitude for what I do have, I'll feel a little better. And if I talk to people who care about me, they will help me to carry my burdens.

I spent a lot of my life focusing on the negative and I really have to make a conscious effort to be positive. Times like this, it is harder to do. But I am going to make the choice to be positive, show gratitude, and thank God for what he has done in my life and for my life.

1 comment:

T$ said...

Psalm 121. Read it. Daily if you must. Cast your eyes upon the hills