Saturday, August 29, 2009

Independent Woman

My yesterday started out not so great. I didn't get much sleep (roommates) and it was raining. I caught the bus, which wasn't too crowded, so I got a seat. (minor victory there.) I had to get up from my seat to let the lady sitting next to me off at a crowded stop, and got shoved about 15 different ways. I was cussing to myself about how unfair it is to start the day being pushed and shoved, and how this is one of the things in my NY life I could definitely do without. I was feeling sorry for myself. Poor me.

And then I saw her. Sitting in the front seat of the bus was a woman I had seen before. She is developmentally disabled. I sat next to her and her caregiver about a month ago. She was learning how to take the bus all by herself. Her caregiver was pointing out landmarks and showing her how to press the strip to indicate she's requesting a stop. I remembered how anxious and nervous she was.

And there she was today on the bus. All alone. An independent woman. I praised God then and there for the gift of allowing me to see her beauty, to put things in perspective. I hope to remember that my little annoyances are someone else's great achievements.

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