Monday, December 28, 2009


Yesterday I received a wonderful housewarming present. First, I unpacked. Didn't finish, but got a pretty good start. Then off to meet Kansas at Rockefeller Center. I had yet to see the tree lit up, my pocketbook was empty, and I haven't seen Kansas in a long time, so thought it'd be a nice end to the Christmas holiday--a leisurely stroll around town catching up with a friend, seeing some NYC Christmas things.

Wrong. There were tourists by the busload. The streets were crowded. And it was a nice day which meant even more people were about. The only NY's who were happy were the street vendors selling their fare at 2 to 3 times the normal price. (I actually witnessed a guy paying $3 for a pretzel!) So we pushed through the crowds to get uptown to my place.

We decided to stop at the grocery store and pick up something to make for dinner. We met up with James at Key Foods, bought ingredients for chicken cacciatore, some cheap wine and headed home.

My wonderful housewarming present? Groceries bought for me, dinner prepared by a friend for me, a bag of goodies from James' apartment (tea lights, matches, instant coffee, chocolates) and best of all, an evening spent with friends!

I'm hoping my next guests won't have to eat their dinner sitting on the floor, eating off paper plates using plastic utensils, and drinking wine out of coffee mugs. But come to think of it, I'd rather have friends that don't mind one bit.

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