Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ahh, Springtime on Pulaski Street

Although it's still officially winter, the weather has definitely been springlike the last few days. It's been pretty sunny and somewhere in the 60's. It's now 10:16pm on Sunday evening, and the temperature is 52 degrees. Nice, right? Not really, and I'll tell you why.

It is incredibly loud outside! Not only can I hear conversations, (there must be 10 people outside hanging out), there is some incredibly loud music (the bass is pounding.) Sprinkle in some occasional horn honking, and I feel like I'm in a college dorm on a Friday night.

The worse part is not that it's hard to fall asleep, or stay asleep for that matter, it's that I am feeling some anxiety as to what it will be like when it is actually summer!

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