Monday, March 16, 2009

Communitas Retreat

This weekend marked the first time I left the city since I moved here. (I am not counting the three days I spent in early December going through all my boxes in storage, unloading my van, reloading my van and repacking everything back in storage--definitely not a weekend getaway!) Just being away from the pace of NYC, the noise, the trains in itself was a treat. But there was so much more.

I went to Pennsylvania on a church retreat. (Check out the pictures of the main house and the view.) It was awesome! I can't believe how much closer I feel to my fellow teammates. Funny how a couple of days relaxing and playing games (volleyball, ultimate frisbee, euchre, apples to apples, etc.) can bring you closer. Oh, and I got to climb a tree! (No gear, just free climbing, but I loved it!)

We also had some great worship leaders--a couple who joined our church just three weeks ago--who led us with some great songs and a fun game (I will never forget Man, Gun, Gorilla!) I've been really missing New Community and worship music and this totally filled a void.

And, of course, there was teaching. We spent time together and alone learning and searching for what our idols are. Any time we put something on the pedestal instead of God, Satan gets a stronghold. And I have mine. And Satan knows. And he uses it to put distance between me and Jesus. So again I'm putting things into perspective, knocking down my idol, and putting Jesus back on top of my pedestal.

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