Monday, March 16, 2009

Jobs, Vocations & Volunteering

So I didn't get the full time position at TFS. They decided to give it to someone who has been with the organization for five years. But who knows what will come of it? I have been able to step in and give them a hand when they really needed it, and I know they have really appreciated my help. I know that I should be able to have the temp job until the end of the month. So that's some extra money. (Well not really extra, but more.) And I have been told of another job that may actually suit me better (working directly in the courts) and I have expressed interest in that position.

Or maybe I'll get accepted in school and be able to be a full time student in the fall. TJ's would then be a great job to have--more flexibility with scheduling. I do not know what the future holds.

And I'm still willing to volunteer at TFS because I believe in the work they do and I have a heart for the people who are served there. And it's not all about me anyway; right? I have every belief that God will provide for my needs--my wants and desires are entirely something else, but my needs are always met. So if that means I continue to work at Trader Joe's and volunteer at TFS, then that sounds pretty good to me.

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