Friday, September 25, 2009

The Jeffersons

I have had the Jefferson's theme song running through my head for the past week. Why? Because I am moving! I don't know to where yet, but I do know where from--from a sink consistently full of dirty dishes, from 2-3 transfers when I go anywhere, from a house of young roommates (which I'm sure works well in your 20's, but not so well in your 40's), from being far away from my church family.

I have lived almost my entire life in two places, so these last few years of moving around into new and unique situations has been a bit of a stretch for me. I'm praying that the next place I land is a place of comfort for me.

The odd thing is that it is too soon to start looking for a place. Imagine that, 33 days until I move and it's too soon to look! What is on the market now will not be available on November 1st. So I have to really be patient until the time comes to search.

Until then, I'm going to keep singing to myself, "Moving on up, moving on up, to a deluxe apartment in the skyyyy. Yes, I'm moving on up, to the east side. I'll finally get a piece of the pie."

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