Sunday, September 20, 2009

United Nations

Sometimes I forget where I'm living, which just so happens to be the coolest city in the states. Today after church (we've started meeting in the mornings!) I decided to run some errands and pick up some items I needed from my favorite place, Bed, Bath & Beyond on 61st Street and 1st Ave. That store has everything!

It was a beautiful day today so I decided to walk up 1st Ave. from 19th Street. A quick stop at Pastors' to pick up a package--thanks kids for the nice surprise!--then continuing up 1st from 33rd. I started to see signs stating 'No Parking Today' and 'Keep Moving' which is a bit unusual. There were also many police cars, police officers and gates pushed to the sides of the street which are used for crowd control and to block off streets. Then I noticed several tour buses and people standing around with press badges.

Turns out there was some type of gathering at the U.N. today. That's right, the UNITED NATIONS! It then occurs to me that 'I live here.' In the same city as the U.N. How cool is that?

But there's more. I needed to stop at the bookstore, too, so I did some more meandering. I passed 'Serendipity' the restaurant from the John Cusack movie and strolled down 5th Avenue. Central Park, The Plaza, the shops on 5th Ave. So often I get caught up in my day-to-day affairs I don't stop and realize where I live and all the cool things in the city. Fall in New York is magical!

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